We exist to ‘Know, and make known, the hope and life of Jesus’. We want to put our mission statement into practice and these values are how we want to do it.

Keeping Jesus central - Jesus is the reason we exist. In all things Jesus will be central to what we do.
Loving people – Jesus loves us and calls us to love others. We will love everyone regardless of their experience, age, or background, or how valuable they feel. Everyone will know that they can be who they are without fear of being judged accordingly.
Being devoted – Jesus has given his all for us, so we want to give our all to him. In the good and the bad, in the exciting and the struggles we will remain devoted to following Jesus and playing our part in his church. To do this, we will devote ourselves to prayer and leaving space that we might listen to what he is saying to us by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Gathering together – following Jesus is not a solo adventure. We want to gather together, that we might be better together. As we do so, we will ensure that we serve one another with the time, skills and gifts that God has given to us.
Looking forward – we always want to strive to look forward to the things God is leading us to, both as individuals and as a church. As we look forward, we will continually look to learn, develop and excel in who God is calling us to be and what God is calling us to do.
Being expectant – our hope is firm and secure in Jesus. He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever dream or imagine. At all times and in all situations, we will be expectant for what God might do through us.
Welcoming change – Jesus came to change the world and make it perfect in every way. We will be a church that embraces and seeks to facilitate change. As we change, we will learn more of Jesus and see more of his perfection in our lives and in our world.
Embracing life – life is to be lived and Jesus promised to give life in all its fullness. We will celebrate the abundance of life that we have in God. We will be full of joy for the life that we have. We will be so full of life, that people want to find out what they are missing!
We want to be a church that is welcoming to all. If you are unsure whether you might be welcome at our church please read this statement from our church leaders.