Following Jesus
We want to have Jesus as our compass. We want to know where he wants to go, and trust him.
Jesus has given his church two commandments: to love one another, and to be his followers that make other people his followers too.
If you are looking at this page and wanting to find out more about following Jesus then please contact us and we would love to arrange a time to chat with you.
For us following Jesus involves 3 key things:
Knowing Jesus - We want to learn more about God. God has revealed himself to us through Jesus, and through the presence of the Holy Spirit and we want to encounter him, learn about him and then respond to him in worship and in praise.
Growing in his ways - Having encountered God we want to learn to walk in his ways. God has given us a life to live, and he wants us to make the most of it. Jesus has set us an example to follow, we want to help people on that journey of following him.
Making Jesus known - When we have encountered Jesus, we can't help but want to tell others for it is such good news! Jesus' final challenge to his disciples was to be disciples who went and made disciples. We want to continue to be faithful to that challenge today.
This is at the core of all that we do as a church, it affects our services, it affects our home groups, it affects the way we live our lives in the places that God has called us throughout the week.
If you would like to join us in setting your compass on Jesus and following him, we would love to join you on that journey.