Faithful Friends is a group of friends who talk about faith!
We meet on Fridays 9.15 – 10.30am during term time at Arbury Community Centre cafe, to eat and drink together, read the Bible and pray.
We would love to make new friends, and you are very welcome to join us!

As well as meeting on Fridays, Faithful Friends is a dynamic community of friends who support and encourage one another and enjoy spending time together. In the holidays we like to get together with our families to have fun and learn together. Watch out for information about our parties, get-togethers and worship events for all ages.

We also want to love others in North Cambridge and sometimes organise events for the community, including story trails, parent support events and social gatherings. We work in partnership with local schools and organisations, including the North Cambridge Community Partnership and we have also partnered with other local churches to run Alpha courses for those interested in exploring Christian faith further.