Our community
As a church we have been praying for and listening to God about how we might best serve our local community and as part of this process we conducted a community survey, North Cambridge for you.
This survey revealed the need to concentrate our work in the areas of loneliness, mental health, families and young people.
As we seek to serve our community we have developed the following dream of how we want to respond and serve the community around our church. This is a dream that we now want to work towards making a reality in our church…
We have a dream of a community that is connected together. Where social groups, neighbourhoods and people from all backgrounds feel like they belong together.
We have a dream of being a church that is open 7 days a week, providing a friendly, welcoming shared space for all to come and enjoy.
We have a dream of providing a quality external space, a community garden or orchard, cared for and maintained by the community – a place for reflection, a place to meet and to enjoy the area in which we live.
We have a dream of providing our community with a gathering hub, to be a neutral space that enables community to be fostered and developed.
This hub will connect all the community activities within our church, such as our community meals, and other opportunities as they develop over time.
We have a dream of providing a prayer space that is open all the time. A place for people to reflect, a place for people to grow and to know God. We do not change people as a church, God does, we want to provide a space for people to be able to encounter him.
We have a dream that we might see families empowered and connected. With children smiling, growing, flourishing and having fun. We dream too of parents thriving and feeling supported in nurturing their children, all part of the community together.
We have a dream of being a church that is open and welcoming for families in North Cambridge. We want every family to feel at home in our church, and able to access activities, community and support amongst us.
We dream of running a regular ‘Dads and kids group’ on a Saturday morning. Providing space for Dad’s to connect with their children, as well as with other men outside of their work place.
We dream of running regular activities for all the family, a family outing, a family film night, a family fun day, a Light party, and many more including opportunities for families to share meals together.
We dream of running a accessible ‘messy church’ service that is family focused and that all these activities can feed into that families might grow in their relationship with God together.
We dream of seeing young people in North Cambridge growing into maturity and growing into deeper relationships within our community.
We dream that every young person in North Cambridge would know that they are valued and loved, not just within their family and school, but within the community as a whole.
We have a dream of running a community youth work project. This would involve youth workers working in partnership with local schools to build deep and lasting relationships with young people. We dream of young people being supported beyond their school years and imbedded within our community.
We dream of our church being known as a place of support, love and empowerment for all young people. A place where they are loved, welcomed and accepted. A place where they can know who God has created them to be.
Mental Health and Loneliness
We dream of seeing all in North Cambridge thriving as God created them to be. We particularly long to see this with those who are suffering with mental health difficulties and loneliness.
We dream of continuing to provide a safe and welcoming space for people to come where it is ok to not be ok. Where they can find community and companionship, without being judged or fixed.
We dream of being a FaithAction friendly-place. A recognised place of excellence in north Cambridge, supporting those with mental illness.
We dream of each individual within our community knowing the foundational truth of the Christian faith. That they have been wonderfully made by God, and that his love for them is never ending.
We dream of loneliness no longer being an issue in our community. We want to provide opportunities for everyone in our community to belong, to be involved and to know that they are not alone – but they are loved by God and by his church.