For many this Christmas will be a difficult time of year. However, this year we can still have hope, Christmas has not been cancelled! Join us as we celebrate the love, joy, hope and peace that we can all encounter this Christmas:
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Give hope this Christmas
We hope you have been encouraged and blessed by these stories of hope that are happening right here in North Cambridge. If you would like to give a gift this Christmas to support these projects that are seeking to demonstrate love, joy, hope and peace to our community you can give a gift now through our just giving page - just click on the button below:
Find out more...

Cambridge Sustainable Food is an innovative and growing partnership of public, private and community organisations in Cambridge and the surrounding villages.
Throughout the pandemic, Cambridge Sustainable food have been doing amazing work providing food to hundreds of households, especially being key facilitators of the holiday lunch programme in the city.

The community fridge is based at the Church of the Good Shepherd and is open to all who would like to use it.
Throughout the pandemic, fridges such as these have been key in trying to ensure that no-one goes hungry in our community.

Wonderfully made is run by Arbury Road Baptist church and seeks to provide a safe space for those struggling with their mental health. Wonderfully made is a creative cafe where it is ok to not be ok.
Throughout the pandemic, the team have been continuing to be open to those who need support, both online and in person when in allowed under the national guidelines.
The churches...
This video has been created by Arbury Road Baptist Church and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Arbury.
Both churches would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas. We hope this video has been an encouragement to you, and given you some hope this Christmas.
If you would like more information about our churches, you can get in touch with us through our websites below: